We provide trademark, patent, design and copyright registration services worldwide
A professional will swift response in 24 hours
Our prices are listed out on our website
Our offices located in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA and UK and are cooperating with many local attorneys
Kaizen provides comprehensive services from Company Incorporation to Intellectual Property to our company. With their group of professional and qualified consultants, they have always strived to meet our expectations in a timely manner. With these qualities and having worked together for over 10 years, Kaizen remains our first choice till today.
This year we celebrate our 10year's anniversary of our brand 'SOUL', Kaizen witnessed our brand evolving. WIth the aid of Kaizen's Intellectual Property Rights service we have registered our brand worldwide for more than 20 countries. Made me feel my tasks were in good hands and well maintained and updated. Of course, they offered good advice and made our decisions a lot easier. I'm glad that we have chosen Kaizen to be our partner and we highly recommended their services.